The best way to add juice to your Unity game

Feel is a solution to provide on-demand game feel to your Unity game, with as little friction or setup as possible. It's modular, user friendly, and very easy to extend and build upon.

Packed with more than 150 feedbacks, it'll let you easily trigger screenshakes, animate transforms, play with sounds, cameras, particles, physics, post processing, text, shaders, time, UI, and so much more.

Initially created for the Corgi Engine and the TopDown Engine, it's a proven and battle tested solution that just gets the job done.

What's in Feel?

MMFeedbacks is a revolutionary system letting you trigger all sorts of effects effortlessly. Easy to setup, fun to use, it'll change the way you work in Unity.
MMTools is a library packed with various useful tools, and I thought it’d be nice to include it in the asset. Don’t hesitate to dig through it, it’s packed with surprises!
Included in Feel as a gift, Nice Vibrations is the best way to add haptic feedbacks to your iOS or Android game. You can learn more about it on its dedicated website.
Feel is packed with more than 20 demos, showcasing its various features. They showcase the various ways you can use Feel to make your games awesome.


Below is a small demo of some of the feedbacks included in the asset. Due to the current limitations of WebGL builds, most audio feedbacks won't work. This demo also doesn't demonstrate the URP feedbacks, the haptics ones, etc. It's still pretty cool!

Just scroll and click on any effect in the list on the left. Keep in mind that this will only show one example of use of each feedback. They can all be customized with tons of options, possibilities are endless.

You can also download the PC demo or the Mac demo.

More demos!

But wait, there's more! Feel comes packed with more than 20 demos showcasing all the great tools it contains. From small scenes focusing on a particular feature, to a complete and enhanced game of Snake, packed with feedbacks for each of its microinteractions, there's tons of contents to explore. Go play with them right now!

You can also check these demos as a PC build or a Mac demo, or even try out Chill Snake on iOS, or Chill Bowling, entirely powered by Feel. Their entire code and contents are provided with Feel. You could also have a look at this illustrated list of demos in the documentation.

Or you can check out this neat release trailer for Feel :


Feel comes with the MMFeedbacks system, which lets you stack and trigger feedbacks extremely easily. It's packed with more than 150 of them, ready to use. Most of them are completely autonomous and don't require any dependency, and some of them are dedicated to make use of Unity packages like TextMesh Pro, Cinemachine, URP, HDRP or PostProcessing. Feel free not to use them if you don't want to.

Here's a complete list of all the feedbacks included in the asset :

🔊 Audio

  • AudioSource : lets you play, pause, unpause or stop a preexisting audiousource on demand. You’ll also be able to play/pause/stop/resume it at a random pitch and volume, and through an optional audio mixer group.
  • Sound : another way to trigger a sound. You specify an audio clip, and then you can decide to have it instantiated on demand, cached, have it create an object pool of ready to use sounds, or even trigger a sound event. This feedback also lets you preview your sound from the editor.
  • AudioSource Pitch : tweak an AudioSource’s pitch over time.
  • AudioSource Stereo Pan : alter the stereo pan value of an AudioSource over time.
  • AudioSource Volume : lets you tween the volume of an audio source over time.
  • Distortion Filter : tween the distortion level of a distortion filter over time.
  • Echo Filter : tween echo over time.
  • High Pass Filter : tween the cutoff of a high pass over time.
  • Low Pass Filter : tween the cutoff of a low pass over time.
  • Reverb Filter : tween reverb levels over time.
  • AudioMixer Snapshot Transition : lets you transition to a target snapshot over a specified duration
  • MMPlaylist : lets you pilot a target MMPlaylist
  • MMSoundManager All Sounds Control : control all sounds playing on a MMSoundManager
  • MMSoundManager Save and Load : save and load MMSoundManager settings (track volume, etc)
  • MMSoundManager Sound : lets you play a sound on the MMSoundManager
  • MMSoundManager Sound Control : lets you play/pause/resume/setVolume/more on a sound playing on the MMSoundManager
  • MMSoundManager Sound Fade : lets you fade sounds in/out on the MMSoundManager
  • MMSoundManager Track Control : lets you control entire tracks (music, UI, sfx, master) on a MMSoundManager
  • MMSoundManager Track Fade : lets you fade the tracks of the MMSoundManager

📅 Events

  • Events : lets you associate any sort of Unity event to a feedback, and lets you trigger them on play, stop, initialization or reset.
  • MMGameEvent : will trigger a MMGameEvent of the specified name when played.

➰ Loops

  • Looper : moves the current “head” of an MMFeedbacks sequence back to another feedback above in the list. You can then have that sequence repeat any number of times of your choice, or indefinitely.
  • Looper Start : can act as a pause but also as a start point for your loops.

✨ Particles

  • Particles Instantiation : instantiate particles and play them. You can instantiate them on demand or cache them, and you can specify the position you want them at.
  • Particles Play : control an existing particle system. The feedback also lets you move it to the feedback’s position on demand.
  • Visual Effect : gives you control over a target visual effect and lets you play/pause/stop/etc.
  • Visual Effect Set Property : lets you set the value of a Property ID of any type on a target Visual Effect.

🪔 Post Processing

  • Bloom : control bloom intensity and threshold over time.
  • Chromatic Aberration : control the force of a chromatic aberration over time.
  • Color Grading : lets you play with many color grading options : post exposure, saturation, hue shift, contrast…
  • Depth of Field : lets you control depth of field focus distance, aperture and focal length over time.
  • Global PP Volume Auto Blend : tween a PostProcessing volume’s weight.
  • Lens Distortion : lens distortion on demand.
  • PP Moving Filter : move a post processing filter in or out of the camera.
  • Vignette : control vignette parameters over time.

💃 Scene

  • LoadScene : lets you load a destination scene using various methods, either native or using MMTools’ loading screens
  • UnloadScene : lets you unload a scene, either by name or build index

📝 TextMesh Pro

  • TextMeshPro Font Size : lets you modify the size of a TMP’s font over time
  • TextMeshPro Text : lets you modify the text of a target TMP text component
  • TextMeshPro Alpha : lets you modify the alpha of a target TMP text component
  • TextMeshPro CountTo : lets you update a target TMP text with a float or rounded value going from A to B over time
  • TextMeshPro CountTo Long : same as CountTo, but using long instead of floats (useful to count up to really big numbers)
  • TextMeshPro Character Spacing : change horizontal spacing between characters in your TMP text over time
  • TextMeshPro Word Spacing : change horizontal spacing between words in your TMP text over time
  • TextMeshPro Line Spacing : change vertical spacing between lines in your TMP text over time
  • TextMeshPro Paragraph Spacing : change vertical spacing between paragraphs in your TMP text over time
  • TextMeshPro Color : change text color over time
  • TextMeshPro Outline Width : change a text’s outline width over time
  • TextMeshPro Outline Color : change a text’s outline color over time
  • TextMeshPro Dilate : will tweak the position of the text contour in the distance field
  • TextMeshPro Softness : will let you animate the softness of the text contour
  • TextMeshPro TextReveal : lets you reveal a target text character by character, word by word, or line by line, over time

🌶 UI

  • ImageRaycastTarget : this feedback will let you control the RaycastTarget parameter of a target image, turning it on or off on play
  • CanvasGroup : lets you control a CanvasGroup’s alpha over time
  • CanvasGroupBlocksRaycasts : lets you turn the BlocksRaycast parameter of a target CanvasGroup on or off on play
  • Graphic : lets you update the color of a target UI Graphic over time
  • Graphic Crossfade : lets you trigger alpha or color cross fades on a target UI graphic
  • Image : lets you play with the color of an Image over time
  • Image Alpha : lets you play with the alpha of an Image over time
  • Image Fill : lets you fill an Image over time
  • Image Texture Offset : animate an Image's texture offset over time.
  • Image Texture Scale : animate an Image's texture scale over time.
  • RectTransformAnchor : lets you control a RectTransform’s min and max anchor positions over time
  • RectTransformPivot : lets you control the position of a RectTransform’s pivot point over time
  • RectTransformOffset : lets you control the offset of the lower left corner of the rectangle relative to the lower left anchor, and the offset of the upper right corner of the rectangle relative to the upper right anchor
  • RectTransformSizeDelta : lets you animate the size of this RectTransform relative to the distances between the anchors, over time
  • Floating Text : lets you easily spawn floaty text (usually damage text, but not limited to that)
  • Text : lets you control the contents of a target Text
  • TextColor : lets you change the color of a target Text over time
  • TextFontSize : lets you alter the font size of a target text over time
  • VideoPlayer : lets you control video players in all sorts of ways (Play, Pause, Toggle, Stop, Prepare, StepForward, StepBackward, SetPlaybackSpeed, SetDirectAudioVolume, SetDirectAudioMute, GoToFrame, ToggleLoop)
  • VideoPlayer : lets you control VideoPlayer components in all sorts of ways


  • Bloom URP : control bloom intensity over time
  • Chromatic Aberration URP : control the force of a chromatic aberration over time
  • Channel Mixer URP : control red, green and blue channels independently over time
  • Color Adjustments URP : lets you play with many color adjustments options : post exposure, saturation, hue shift, contrast…
  • Depth of Field URP : lets you control depth of field parameters over time
  • Film Grain URP : lets you control the grain intensity over time
  • Global PP Volume Auto Blend URP : tween a PostProcessing volume’s weight
  • Lens Distortion URP : lens distortion on demand
  • Motion Blur URP : motion blur level over time
  • Panini Projection URP : tweak a panini projection’s distance and crop to fit over time
  • Vignette URP : control vignette parameters over time
  • White Balance URP : control white balance parameters over time


  • Background Color : interpolate background color over time
  • Border Color : control border color over time
  • Border Radius : change the radius of UI elements' borders over time
  • Border Width : change the width of elements' borders over time
  • Class : lets you modify the classes on target UI elements
  • Font Size : change the font size of a target UI element
  • Image Tint : change the tint of a target image
  • Opacity : change the opacity of a visual element over time
  • Rotate : rotate one or more target visual elements
  • Scale : change the scale of one or more target visual elements
  • Size : change the size of one or more target visual elements
  • Stylesheet : attach a new stylesheet to your UI Document
  • Text : replace a text with a new one
  • TextColor : change a text's color over time
  • Transform Origin : lets you move the point of origin where rotation, scaling, and translation occur
  • Translate : translate a UI element
  • Visible : lets you toggle a visual element's visibility on and off

♨ Springs

  • Float Spring : control any float spring (vignette intensity, light, timescale, and so many more), either directly or via event.
  • Vector2 Spring : control any Vector2 spring (texture offset, etc)
  • Vector3 Spring : control any Vector3 spring (position, scale, etc)
  • Vector4 Spring : control any Vector4 spring
  • Color Spring : control any Color spring (light color, sprite color, image, etc)

🎥 Camera

  • Camera Shake : simply shakes the camera over time, lets you specify a duration (in seconds), an amplitude and a frequency.
  • Zoom : lets you zoom in or out when the feedback plays, either for a specified duration, or until further notice.
  • Flash : flashes an image on screen, or simply a color for a short duration.
  • Fade : fades an image in or out, useful for transitions.
  • Field of View : control a camera’s field of view over time.
  • Clipping Planes : lets you tween the near and far clipping planes distances of a camera over time.
  • Orthographic Size : for orthographic/2D cameras only, lets you tween the camera’s size over time, basically zooming in or out.
  • Cinemachine Transition : lets you transition to another virtual camera, using the blend of your choice, and auto managing other camera’s priorities.
  • Cinemachine Impulse : triggers a Cinemachine Impulse to shake your virtual cameras.
  • Cinemachine Impulse Clear : to cancel any Cinemachine Impulse that may be playing

💃 Animation

  • Animation Parameter : bind an animator to the feedback’s inspector, and it’ll let you update trigger and/or bool animation parameters.
  • Animation Play State : lets you play a state by its name, either in fixed or normalized time, and an example of it in action in the MMF_PlayerDemo scene.
  • Animator Speed : update your animator's speed in real time.
  • Animator Cross Fade : lets you cross fade your Animator to a specified state, over regular or normalized time.

📦 GameObject

  • Destroy : lets you destroy, destroy immediate or disable a specific game object
  • Enable Behaviour : enables or disables a monobehaviour when the feedback plays, inits, stops or resets.
  • Float Controller : possibly the most powerful of all the MMFeedbacks, this one lets you control a float value on any monobehaviour.
  • Instantiate Object : spawns objects when the feedback plays, at the specified position.
  • Rigidbody : adds force or torque to a Rigidbody
  • Rigidbody2D : adds force or torque to a Rigidbody2D
  • Collider : enable/disable/toggle a target collider, or change its trigger status
  • Collider2D : enable/disable/toggle a target collider2D, or change its trigger status
  • Property : lets you target and control any property or field (floats, vectors, ints, strings, colors, etc), on any object (including ScriptableObjects), and control it over time
  • Set Active : sets an object active or inactive
  • Feedbacks : lets you trigger other MMFeedbacks within the specified range
  • MMRadioSignal : this feedback lets you control a MMRadioSignal, that can then be broadcasted to control receivers, to pilot any value you want on any component, on any object.
  • MMRadio Broadcast : similar to the MMRadioSignal one, but directly broadcasts the signal to any receivers, instead of going through an emitter

🏉 Feedbacks

  • Feedbacks Player : lets you trigger other MMFeedbacks within the specified range
  • Player Chain : lets you sequence a number of MMF Players, triggering them in sequence with optional delays
  • Player Control : lets you trigger methods on one or more target MMF Players


  • Bloom HDRP : control bloom intensity over time
  • Chromatic Aberration HDRP : control the force of a chromatic aberration over time
  • Channel Mixer HDRP : control red, green and blue channels independently over time
  • Color Adjustments HDRP : lets you play with many color adjustments options : post exposure, saturation, hue shift, contrast…
  • Depth of Field : control HDRP Depth of Field focus distance or near/far ranges over time
  • Film Grain HDRP : lets you control the grain intensity over time
  • Lens Distortion HDRP : lens distortion on demand
  • Motion Blur HDRP : motion blur level over time
  • Panini Projection HDRP : tweak a panini projection’s distance and crop to fit over time
  • Vignette HDRP : control vignette parameters over time
  • White Balance HDRP : control white balance parameters over time


  • Nice Vibrations Preset : play a preset haptic, limited but super simple predifined haptic patterns.
  • Nice Vibrations Emphasis : play an Emphasis haptics, short haptic bursts whose amplitude and frequency can be controlled in real time, also called Transients in CoreHaptics/iOS.
  • Nice Vibrations Clip : use this feedback to play a .haptic clip, optionally randomizing its level and frequency.
  • Nice Vibrations Continuous : lets you play a continuous haptic of the specified amplitude and frequency over a certain duration. This feedback will also let you randomize these, and modulate them over time.
  • Nice Vibrations Control : interact with haptics at a global level, stopping them all, enabling or disabling them, adjusting their global level or initializing/release the haptic engine.

⏸ Pauses

  • Pause : causes a pause in the feedbacks sequence when met, preventing any other feedback lower in the sequence to run until the pause is complete.
  • Holding Pause : holds until all previous feedbacks in the sequence, as well as this feedback’s pause have been executed.

💄 Renderer

  • Flicker : lets you rapidly change the color of a material. By default this will control the target renderer’s shader’s Color value but the feedback also lets you specify your own if you want. Comes with flicker duration, octave and color control.
  • Fog : lets you animate the density, color, end and start distance of your scene’s fog
  • Material : changes the material of the target renderer everytime it’s played, out of an array of materials. You can swap them sequentially or randomly.
  • Image Material : lets you changes the material of the target Image.
  • Line Renderer : lets you update a line renderer's width and color over time.
  • Material Set Property : set the value of the property of your choice on the target renderer's material.
  • MMBlink : controls an MMBlink, letting you do advanced blinking behaviours.
  • Shader Controller : similar to the Float Controller, lets you control most settings of any shader. Will require a ShaderController component on your target.
  • Shader Global : control global shader values.
  • SpriteRenderer : take control of a SpriteRenderer’s color and X or Y flip
  • Skybox : lets you assign a new material (at random or not) to change the scene’s skybox to a new one
  • TextureOffset : lets you control a target renderer’s material’s texture offset over time
  • TextureScale : lets you control a target renderer’s material’s texture scale over time
  • Trail Renderer : lets you update a trail renderer's length, width and color over time.

⌚ Time

  • Freeze Frame : freeze the timescale for a short duration of your choice.
  • Time Modifier : complete control over time, slow it down, speed it up, with optional customizable interpolation.

🐢 Transform

  • Position : lets you tweak the position of a transform over time with different modes : A to B will move the object from an initial to a destination position, at the specified speed, duration and acceleration. Along Curve will move the object along the defined curve, with remapped values, on any or all of the 3 axes. To Destination will move the object to the specified destination.
  • Rotation : lets you play with the rotation of a transform over time, packed with options. Similar to the position feedback, you can rotate an object in absolute mode, additive (adding to its current rotation at the start of the play), or to a defined destination.
  • Scale : lets you animate the scale of a transform over time. Comes with similar options and settings as the Position and Rotation feedbacks.
  • Wiggle : lets you play with rotation, scale and position over time. You’ll need an MMWiggle component on your target object for this to work.
  • DestinationTransform : lets you animate all properties (position, rotation, scale) of a transform to match a destination transform’s properties
  • SquashAndStretch : modify the scale of an object on an axis while the other two axis (or only one) get automatically modified to conserve mass
  • Rotate Position Around : lets you rotate a target object around another center object, with full axis control.
  • Position Shake : setup position shakes on any transform or rect transform.
  • Rotation Shake : setup rotation shakes on any transform or rect transform.
  • Scale Shake : setup scale shakes on any transform or rect transform.
  • Set Parent : change a target transform's parent transform.
  • Look At : rotate a transform to have it face a target.
  • Position Spring : move or bump a target's position using a spring.
  • Rotation Spring : move or bump a target's rotation using a spring.
  • Scale Spring : move or bump a target's scale using a spring.
  • Squash & Stretch Spring : move or bump a target's scale by squashing & stretching it using a spring.


  • Light : complete control over a light’s intensity and color over time
  • Light 2D : complete control over a URP 2D light’s intensity and color (and more) over time
  • DebugLog : lets you output debug messages to the console, using different methods (MMDebug, warning, error, log, etc)
  • DebugBreak : lets you break on play


    There are always more feedbacks coming, please don't hesitate to make suggestions.

Easy to use and documented

Using Feel is extremely easy, fast, and fun. The inspectors have been designed to be simple yet efficient, and provide you with all the info you need at runtime. Simply add feedbacks, tweak them to your liking, test them in realtime, and enjoy all that good gamefeel!

All classes are commented, there is a full documentation available, video tutorials, a complete API documentation, help boxes in inspectors, a 4000+ users strong Discord community where you can get help, a community repository you can contribute to, and more!


Absurdly High Quality
This asset both defines and nails the concept of a feedback. I've had this product for months and am still learning of new ways to leverage this powerful tool. Maybe lesser noticed by other reviews is the MMTools package, which is also included. Although this will mostly be appreciated by those who like to program, it's definitely worth mentioning. MMTools contains dozens of extremely well written solutions to common problems.
- Catsploration

Fantastic tool! Even better support!
This tool is insane. It can do so many things to the point where it can almost be used for every core system in your game like audio, saving, scene loading, etc. The support from the developers in immaculate. Whenever I had a problem, the response time was within a few minutes, and I had my problem solved after a few email exchanges. This is an essential tool for any project!
- mcrump

Incredible, and incredibly well documented
This is a great asset, it adds a mind-boggling amount of ways to improve your game, all very well thought-out, modular, clear and user friendly. If that was not enough, the documentation is astounding, with complete and readable demo scenes, super clear videos, and a well-organised and detailed website. I am still in shock at how awesome this asset is.
- Daniel Capo

Read more testimonials

Will there be updates? Will they be free?

Yes, updates are released very regularly.
All Feel and MMFeedbacks updates have always been free, and always will be.

Do I need to buy this if I own other MM Assets?

Some other assets by More Mountains include parts of Feel. Typically, the TopDown Engine or the Corgi Engine include MMTools and MMFeedbacks. Buying Feel would add Nice Vibrations, as well as more than 20 demos unique to Feel. It would also give you an easy way to import Feel on its own in a project where you don't need TopDown or Corgi.

Because of this, buying Feel comes at a heavily discounted price if you own Corgi Engine or TopDown Engine. Simply visit Feel's webpage on the Asset Store, and if you're logged in with the same account you bought CE or TDE with, the store will automatically apply the discount. And remember that you never "need" to buy anything, it's up to you to decide if it makes sense.

Why Feel?

I strongly believe game feel (or juice, or microinteractions, or feedbacks, or whatever you prefer to call it) is one of the most important parts of game design. Making sure the player understands the consequences of their actions is the best way to make sure interactions are rewarding and engaging. Providing proper feedback when the player makes an action, or when something significant happens in the game is mandatory. Whether it's a screenshake, a flash, an object's scale bumping, or all of these at once, it will only make the experience more satisfying.

You can learn more about feedbacks in Martin Jonasson and Petri Purho's talk "Juice it or lose it", the wonderful "Art of screenshake" talk by Jan Willem Nijman, or my own talk about game feel and fast prototyping at Unite Copenhagen in 2019. Implementing these kinds of feedbacks isn't necessarily rocket science, shaking a camera is quite an easy task. But after working on tons of games and prototypes, I've found myself often going back to the same game feel recipes, and I wanted to remove as much friction as possible between an idea for a feedback and its in-game implementation. That's how Feel was born.